I’m excited (and a little terrified) to announce I’ll be speaking on Digital Ethics at the next Pecha Kucha Sheffield on 21 March. Here’s the pitch:
Times are a’changing, faith in the institutions once depended upon has been rocked to its very core and as our eyes are opened to the realities of the world before us, we are once again, taking back the responsibility of judging right and wrong for ourselves.
For years we seem to have taken our eye off the ball, just accepting the way things are. We happily bowed down to the powers that be and those in the know, only to be shown time-and-time-again that self-governance and unregulated positions of control and power cannot be trusted to act with anything other than their own self-interests at heart.
As our Global consciousness gradually awakens, what matters to us now is ‘fairness’…as people from every walk of life take an ethical lens to every facet of the societies in which we live, the cracks are clear for all to see.
Pecha Kucha Vol #12 is an exploration into the truth behind the issues that influence so much of the lives we live today and the ones we will have to make choices about tomorrow.
I want to talk about the ethical dilemmas our society is encountering as we all get used to living our (relatively) new digital lives. Which hot topics do you think I should squeeze into my 400 seconds?
You can get tickets for the event here. Let me know if you’re coming!