
Hi, I’m Richard King, and this is my blog.

I’ve been helping people to understand and exploit technology since before the turn of the century. When the World Wide Web went mainstream I was studying electronics at Sheffield university, as well as helping to run its computing society. Or was it the other way round? Anyway, I’ve watched the Internet evolve from academic curiosity, through geek toy, beyond commercial medium and into part of the critical infrastructure of nations.

I’m an active member of the grass-roots technology community in my home town of Sheffield, UK, and part of the nascent makerspace-community in my adopted town of Tromsรธ, Norway. I also love the great outdoors: Iโ€™m a keen climber and I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, skiing and snowboarding. Other interests include programming, science fiction, music (playing the drums) and computer games.

Until 2013 Richard’s Kingdom was focused exclusively on privacy, security and politics in the digital era, however I’ve since steered it in a more personal direction. There are still plenty of posts about digital rights but now I also use this outlet to deposit thoughts on the wider world of technology, music, work, life and what I had for breakfast this morning.

You can contact me via my contacts page and you can keep up with Richard’s Kingdom by subscribing to free updates by RSS.

Open Rights Group

I am passionate about technology and its impact on society. In 2006 I became involved with the Open Rights Group (ORG) and I started this blog around the same time, partly as a learning exercise, partly to express my thinking on human rights issues as society went digital.

I have volunteered variously as an evangelist, copy-writer, editor, newsblogger and wiki maintainer for ORG. I was appointed to their supporters council in 2012 and I started ORG Sheffield – a local chapter of the group that meets regularly to discuss digital-rights issues – in the same year.

From February 2014 to October 2015 I was employed by ORG as a part-time projects coordinator. Working remotely, I supported their community of technical volunteers delivering digital activism software-projects, as well as handling internal projects. There’s more about my professional life on LinkedIn.

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