Come to ORGCon 2013!

The Open Rights Group is holding its annual conference next weekend at the Savoy Place headquarters of the Institute of Engineering and Technology in London. ORGCon is the foremost digital-rights conference in the UK. The programme is packed with thought-provoking material and the venue is pretty special too (I’m a member of the IET – their headquarters on the embankment are fabulous).

I’ll be volunteering at the event as well as giving two talks. A year after being inspired to set up ORG Sheffield at ORGCon 2012, I’ll be giving a rapid-fire talk on how easily you could start a group in your area – so easy the talk’s only 10 minutes long – and what ORG can do to help. I’m also very pleased to be sitting on a panel introducing ORG to people who are just learning about us with freelance optimist and former ORG executive director Becky Hogge, guardian-wearing sandal-reader and ORG board member Milena Popova, and ORG supporters officer Ruth Coustick.

ORGCon is a great place to meet in real life people you know online, so please drop me a line if you’re planning to be there and you want to meet up, say hi, exchange key signatures or catch up over a beer afterwards. It’s going to be one hell of a day!

P.S. Did I mention that if you join ORG before the conference you’ll get a free ticket to ORGCon plus a free copy of “The Master Switch” by Tim Wu, who will be giving the opening keynote. The conference will be closed out by John Perry Barlow!